Tech Leaders Hub #37:
How to migrate enterprise systems and keep your R&D culture alive

You know that migrating enterprise systems is a huge technological challenge, but have you considered how it might affect your team culture?

If that challenge sounds in any way relevant, you should watch Tech Leaders Hub session.

Our guest was Tsvika Naveh, VP of Platform Engineering & Product at WalkMe.

We've been discussing the topic of migrating enterprise systems. The technical challenges associated with such a change are just the tip of the iceberg; Tsvika was also talking about how such changes affect team structure and team culture, and how to navigate this situation as a high-level executive.

At WalkMe, Tsvika’s roster of team members includes over 100 people, with a wide range of responsibilities including product management, R&D, and DevOps. He brought a wealth of experience to this Tech Leaders Hub's episode.

We have discussed about:

– How to migrate enterprise systems
– How such migrations relate to lean product development
– How software architecture and team culture influence each other
– How to restructure teams when breaking up a monolith
– What it’s like to manage both R&D and product together and how leading the product management changes your development process and methodology

Listen as a podcast
Our speaker

tsvika naveh photo

Tsvika Naveh

VP of Platform Engineering & Product at WalkMe

R&D Director - Platform at Natural Intelligence
R&D Manager at justAd

walkme logo




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