Tech Leaders Hub #14: What leaders get wrong about quality assurance

“Quality is a team-based thing. ‘My QA is my quality gatekeeper’ is a ‘90s mindset.” – Leigh Rathbone, Head of Quality Engineering at Gear4Music Ltd.

After having worked at companies like Sony (working on the Playstation), Sony Ericsson, and The Very Group, Leigh Rathbone decided to get involved with an industry he’s extremely passionate about: music.

Now, as the Head of Quality Engineering at Gear4Music, Leigh is responsible for improving quality within the 12 development squads working on their music gear web store.

But what does quality really mean, and how does the definition change for companies of various sizes?

And how can you structure your teams and workflows to bake quality into everything you do so you can delight your users?

We covered:

  • Why you shouldn’t follow the big players when it comes to quality
  •  Why the QA tester shouldn’t own the quality of the product
  • What a Head of Quality Engineering does and the goals of the role
  • Why Leigh introduced a new name for his QAs’ role
  • How to build quality into everything you do
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Our speaker

Leigh Rathbone

Leigh Rathbone

Head of Quality Engineering at Gear4Music

Testing Principal at The Very Group
Senior Manager at Sony Computer Entertainment Europe





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