Tech Leaders Hub: Management & Growth

Become a great leader by leveraging the huge experience of tech leadership experts who have spent years managing and growing teams
Tech Leaders Hub - Management & Growth E-book cover (Resources)
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Whether you’re a tech leader, C-level executive, or (technical) manager—your job comes with a wide range of challenges.

In our experience, most of these challenges revolve around people: recruiting new hires, promoting current employees, managing team members, growing people’s competencies, or scaling your teams.

We’ve made it our mission to help leaders such as yourself do right by your teams through shedding a light on the winning strategies of other managers and executives—which is why we started Tech Leaders Hub.

Tech Leaders Hub by STX Next is a comprehensive growth initiative for leaders with ambitious goals and a strong desire to be the best they can at what they do. We invite seasoned industry professionals to share their stories and insights, then turn that precious knowledge into useful, easy-to-read guides for you.

The following ebook is one such resource. First, a series of live interviews; now, a single source of tech leadership tricks of the trade.

We’ll be focusing on solutions to problems with management and growth, generously offered to us by both internal specialists at STX Next and external guests who’ve worked at notable tech companies such as Egnyte, Allegro, OLX, or Acronis.

Whatever it is you’re specifically struggling with as a tech leader, there’s a good chance our experts have faced and overcome these same challenges. Then they told us exactly how they did it, after years of managing and growing teams for successful tech giants.

Read on to discover what they had to say and leverage their priceless knowledge to grow your business faster and lead your teams better.

What’s inside?

  • How to scale tech teams as a CTO
  • How to help your developers become “100x engineers”
  • When to promote your best developers to managers
  • Managing large teams at hypergrowth companies
  • Why your company needs processes
  • How Scrum can go wrong in large organizations
  • How implementing KPIs will help you become a data-driven business
  • Best tactics in successful business negotiation for technical managers

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