
What good is 17 years of software development experience if you don’t share it with others? On our blog, you will find helpful articles on a wide range of topics, from Python and React Native to DevOps and Product Design.

Poland is now classified as a Developed Market, prompting a discussion by Polish C-level executives at Bloomberg Live. We summarize the takeaways.
Learn about the responsibilities and tasks of a Product Owner, as well as how they change as the PO gains seniority.
Learn how to get the most out of your software developers as well as save money and effort as a manager by reading our 4 steps to improving your process and 5 steps to achieving productive team nirvana.
Looking to utilize the mobile market? One way to do that is React Native. Read on to learn what React Native is and if you should use it for your project.
Learn the core company values of STX Next, how we defined them, and why core values are an essential foundation for any company.
time to read
10 min
A growing list of books and literature for CTOs to develop their technical and business skills.
There’s nothing wrong with scaling down or ending cooperation with an external software house. You shouldn’t be afraid to move your development back in-house, but first you need the right tools. Here are several ways to ensure your software project handover process goes smoothly.
In the second part of our pair of articles on blockchain, you will learn the many ways blockchain will impact the way we use the web, including how we use online payments, the value of social media content, as well as hosting and the way it works.
In the first part of our pair of articles on blockchain, you will learn what blockchain is, how it works, how it applies to currencies, what drives the value of Bitcoin, and what impact blockchain will have on some of the industries you’re familiar with.